Thursday, May 28, 2015

kids who change lives

  1. Peace- freedom from disturbance and tranquility. 

    This past week has been such a great week. We only have 34 more days left of tour and I can tell that this last month will be my favorite. I still remember the first night I joined tour, I remember crying myself to sleep because I was so scared of what I was doing. Now I cry at the idea of what I am going to do once tour is over. My fears have changed from leaving my comfort of home to now leaving my comfort of being an auntie. What will I do when I don't have little girls to tuck into bed at night? What will I do when I don't meet new people every day? What will I do when I don't hear 'auntie' everyday. 

    Tonight I am in a house with a lady who is widowed. Knowing that her house would be quiet I wasn't sure how the girls would respond, would they be talkative or would they be quiet. I was placed with Naomi and Susan and they have been perfect. Yesterday when we showed up at the house the girls and I decided to go for a walk, but when our host couldn't join us we decided to join her on the front porch and rock. The girls played ball in the front yard while the host and I got to know each other. She told me all about he husband and how much she missed him. She loves him. They met in high school, she was 15 and he was 17 when they started dating and they got married when she was 20. She told me about how fun their marriage was and about how they dreamt of traveling when they retired. As she tells me story after story she points to the trees, that the girls were running around, and explains that her husband planted the trees when they moved to the house. She said that they were baby trees when he planted them and now she wonders if he can see how big they are. As we got ready to go inside I could still feel the love from the stories. Her heart was overflowing with the memories of the love. Not much longer after doing devotion we turned in for bed. 

    Today breakfast was good, my day was good (I was able to explore the city) and the concert was good. After the concert it was time for dinner, so she took us to the faithful McDonalds. As we sat around the table she asked the girls what food they missed the most since being here. She asked what their favorite memory was since being here and she asked more about their testimonies. My first thought: 'she is wonderful at asking question', she is asking good questions. My second thought: 'she has to be a writer.' Susan's favorite part of tour was learning to swim while Naomi's favorite part was meeting the new host and hearing their stories. Out current host, Ms. Janet, encouraged Naomi to write her stories down. She told her that she could see her being a writer someday, being that she already had a journal of stories from her previous host. Naomi giggled, but you could tell that she took the nugget of advice.

    When we arrived back at the house she told me that she was a writer, she said let me get you something and she brought me a copy of her published book. She told me that it was a book of stories. I told her about my book store hunt in each town and she said, "well here is you another book from Seymour" -- as we sat on the couch I started flipping through the pages and Naomi came out of the back room. I asked her if she knew who wrote the book, I pointed at Ms. Janet and Naomi seemed completely blown away. She inspired Naomi, she encouraged her and told her to keep writing. Naomi looked at her like she as seeing OneDirection for the first time. She just smiled and thanked her for her advice. Afterwards, the host handed her a book signed and Naomi walked off with tears in her eyes. Naomi told me that she would keep the book for the rest of her life. 

    I went to tuck the girls in tonight, Susan had her bible out and was reading Genesis 7-- she explained that she started reading her Bible start to finish and Naomi had out her journal so she could write about her experience. Each night I ask the kids that I tuck in I ask about their best part of the day. (the girls told me today that they know if they are at my house they think about it throughout the day) They told me their favorite parts and then I said the goodnight prayer. When I finished Naomi wanted to pray over me, they prayed for me and my heart for Uganda. She prayed for guidance (which is what I need right now)-- I kissed their cheeks and they kissed mine and as I walked into my bed room my heart nearly stopped beating. Naomi's life could have just been changed. This book could change her, change the way she writes and the way she thinks. But, the story is two sided- how did Naomi just touch this woman's life. This woman who has lived without the love of her life for 4 years. How much did that moment of pure joy in the living room mean to her heart. 

    These children inspire so many people. They touch lives is ways they will never understand. They grow daily, I look at some of them now compared to who they were when I first met them and I see adults. I see kids who have grown, spiritually, mentally and physically. These kids teach me things daily. They teach me to embrace small moments, to focus on the good and to appreciate tiny moments. When I say I don't know what I want to do after tour, I mean I don't know what I am going to do when they aren't here anymore- teaching me how life works. I miss them already and the girls are asleep in the next room. 

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