Last year I found myself getting super involved in politics. My views were shifted, I started believing things about these people who clearly lie to us. I believed every single word I read in a book or on the internet. I listened to the view of people on Facebook. I got too involved and it stole my life. It stole my joy. It made me think negative and for just a little bit I thought that I wanted to be President someday. I thought that working the government was fun - kind of how Leslie Knope makes it look.
Then I moved to Uganda because I wanted to. Because I thought that it was my next big step and it was not. I let fear win for a bit. I let my anxiety and fear speak for me in too many situations. & here I am back in Dothan, knowing that Jesus brought me back here. since I was 14 I said I was ready to get out of this town and now there is no other place in this world I would rather be - this city needs me. This city needs you. This country needs you. This world needs you.
It does not need negative Facebook comments. I am tried of people being so negative. I think if we focused more on the the good instead of the bad things would be easier around here.
When people say things like, "the world these days"- "what is the world coming to?" - "this world is going down" - I get so offended because I am not married, I do not have children and I refuse to tell my little sister not to have dreams and goals because of your negative view on the world.
I am not sure where this post is going. I just had to write and this is what is on my mind. I still have dreams, MEGA BIG DREAMS & I don't want them to go away. I don't want them to be suppressed by negativity.
We need Jesus.
We need unity.
We need love.
We need peace.
those things are going to happen until heaven, but I am going to try with every breath in my lungs to love my neighbor as myself, to not scare the younger generation or talk about gun rights at the table.
We need to be positive. Please be positive.
I don't really have more to say - just love each other.