Saturday, September 27, 2014

World Changer Series : Lindsay

World Changer Series:

This is Lindsay. I believe the moment I knew that we would be friends, is when the team was looking for one another in the airport. That morning I started a group text so it would be easier for everyone to fine one another. Her text read "I will be the one with the fanny pack"--

The next big moment for Lindsay and I was one night in Uganda. I was sharing a bed with the leader of the team and Lindsay was sleeping in a bunk bed above another team member. When the lights go off in Uganda..... it gets dark, very dark. In the dark of the night, while we were all tucked into our beds, or sleeping bags. A shrill scream filled the room, at first I thought it was a dream and then we heard it again, "a bat. theres a bat in my mosquito net." I jumped out of the bed, and grabbed the flashlight to see Lindsay moving about in her mosquito net. I calmly walked to her bed and helped her down, in hopes of leaving the bat in the net. This story could last long, so to speed it up-- I ran to get the only guy on the team to catch the bat, which ended up in half of the team being in the bed with the leader (which was also my bed) of the team and their net tucked in, while a couple of us chased a rabid bat around the guest house. It was perfect.

Recently, I got to see Lindsay. She came down for a visit. I took her around my hometown. I took her to my favorite restaurant, that apparently I mentioned a bunch while on our trip to Uganda. She met my loud family and spent most of the time with my friends, who have quickly become family. I am so thankful that she came to visit. I am thankful for her heart. I am thankful that she came when she did. My heart needed to be reminded of the Africa stories. I am honored to give this blog to my sweet friend Lindsay. She has a heart of gold.

color: green
movie: The Holiday
music: She thinks on this one for awhile and pulls out her phone, while telling me that she will have to think. "I have Katy Perry, Coldplay, Journey, NeedtoBreathe, One Direction. I like Flo Rida, I do"
season: fall
Starbucks: 'its going to sound divaish"-- triple grande extra hot tow pump pumpkin spice latte
best friends: the 4Bs
describe yourself in 3 words: silly, empathetic and redeemed
quote: 'kids these days' or 'the struggle is real'
occupation: nurse- takes care of babies- cleans little messes
hobby: decorating, making things pretty, reading, needle point & photography
college: University of Georgia and Belmont University
Bible verse: 1 John 4:12
favorite thing to do: be out in the sun, in any form: hiking, drinking coffee, absorbing sunlight

one thing you want to do with your life: " I want to be a mom, more than anything. I also, want to be a wife. True Confession: I want to perform CPR"
define freedom: it is for freedom that we have been set free. free from bondage.
She then talks about my cat, whom she has been holding through this whole process.

Jesus: She smiles big: "we're just going to say, more than enough"
what is your proudest moment: I got called to the ER one night, to put an IV in a baby and 'I GOT IT.'
  Also, when she can empower and teach other nurses. She elaborates on a story of when she was being trained and there was a good instructor and a bad instructor. She promised herself she would be the good one. She had to train a nurse once and a few months later received a letter that read "thank you for the way you taught me" -- she knew she had kept that promise to herself.
Do you want to talk about your man? of course.
 His name is Micah,
He is currently in Cambodia on the World Race.
How have you handled him being gone?
Its been hard. Its been an exercise. Its taught me patience and trust, not only in our relationship, but in the Lord. It makes me excited about the future and its taught me not to take the little things for granted.
Have you ever been out of the country? Indeed.
Mexico: I was 14. We built a house.
  Bahamas: I was in the youth group, we cleaned.
Uganda: 10 years later, orphanages.
'I chose to be a traveling nurse because I would have more money to travel with. I wanted to travel some while he was on the race and Uganda kept showing up. I filled out my application to go and the next night I went to see a Ugandan children's choir called Ugandan Thunder. During the program, the kids walk out and pass out these necklaces, they only have about 12 and there are 200 people in the room. A little boy walked to me, placed the necklace around my neck and then prayed for me. It was conformation in a beautiful way.
What was the most rewarding trip:
Mexico- the house was finished.
                                                          Uganda- I got to take baby Noah to the doctor. The doctor didn't care at all about the pain tolerance of Noah. I got to see a culture that didn't care about emotional or physical pain. How do you change an entire cultures view of pain? We are just as broken here, it just looks different. Ignoring brokenness is not just an inflection of 3rd world.
worship: the only response to grace. God doesn't need it, its one things that brings Him joy.

one place you want to visit: Bora Bora
siblings: older brother: Ryan
younger sister: Rachael
"middle child here"
"sometimes I think I was adopted"
She turns the interview around on me.
Do you believe that God made all animals? I answered.
Her response: while she expresses her love for animals, I think they know how to love.
What is the last thing you want to say to whomever reads this?
The way you start your day, is the way you spend your day.
This is Lindsay. She is one of kind. I am so thankful that Jesus put us in Uganda together.

1 comment:

  1. Callie!!! I can't tell you what an honor it is to be featured on your blog! I had such an amazing time with you and being "interviewed" for this post was one of my most favorite things :)

    You are an incredible story teller, and

    You inspire me.
