Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hearing Jesus through the rush of today

Its only 1:15pm and I have worn so many hats already today. Today, I have given it my all, already and its barely began. I still have a list of 75 more things to do. I get busy. I stay busy. Sure, I don't work a 9-5, but that does not discount what I do. I hit the ground running in the mornings. I have a to-do list on my phone that tells me where to be and when. A lot of what I have to do relies on people. I have to do a lot of things based on others schedule. Today, I wanted to wake up and binge watch the new season of New Girl that just dropped on Netflix, but I couldn't. So, I woke up showered quick, got dressed quick, loaded my things in the car and drove quick to my first thing lined up for today.

I promised myself in Uganda this last trip that I wouldn't rush through my life anymore. That I would enjoy each moment that occurs, because soon it will be gone. I said all of these things, only to come home and 4 months later--I am literally running to complete things that day.  I sometimes have little time to think about anything else, but what I have to do next.

For example, today I have already worn the outreach hat, the videographer hat, the blogger hat, the friend hat, and in a hour I will be wearing the student hat, then the massage therapist hat, then the videographer/editor hat, then the youth leader hat and next the friend hat. I run and my days are so packed that it gets overwhelming sometimes.

love what I do, I really do. But there are days, when I want to turn off my phone and not be afraid to say 'no' to people. I am so worried about letting people down, that I continue to add things and add things. I am, passionate about everthing I have listed above, which also puts a different aspect on things.

I love being busy. I love watching things come together, I love seeing the final project. You will see me sometimes, at a function or an event, stand in the back and smile, like a giddy child. You will see me almost in tears while watching the whole team come together. Its the beauty in it all.

Throughout all of the hats that I wear, I have to say that being the daughter to my King is my favorite hat. I may not wake up and take things slow, with a cup of coffee and quiet time in my field like I'd love to, but I do write Him often. I pray to Him on the way to things. & while I am driving down the road screaming the old John Mark album with the windows down in this fall weather, He tells me that He hears me. He speaks to me. So, when I feel like I have 75,000 things to do and I feel like I have spread myself too thin. He comes in with a simple smile from a stranger, or an encouraging text from a friend. He does something to remind me of why I do what I do.

**Today, I went to the Rescue Mission, by myself, to drop off the food we will cook tomorrow night. I had a simple conversation with the sweetest man who works in the kitchen. He said 'Hey, leave the heavy stuff, I am going to come grab it." He thanked the church at least 6 times and he told me stories while we unloaded the car. As I left he went back to his chair outside and said, "enjoy this beautiful weather," he sat down and waved as I backed out.

I backed out and thought about him for a second, I wondered how he got to where he is. How did he end up living in the homeless shelter, how is he so happy and he lives there? He has a joy about him. A light. A peace. I wondered what his thoughts were while sitting on the porch in his chair? What does he think about life? He smelled of tobacco and the kitchen, but through that sweet man-- I had a focus for the day, It's my focus for everyday, but I sometimes lose sight of it.

that's simply. 

Everyone has a story. Listen to them. We can learn so much from each other if we just listen. 

So, through my crazy days. My rushed moments. I have to slow down and not forget the importance in people. Not forget why I do what I do. It's for Jesus. He'd listen to people. He did listen to people. So I will too. 

I found this in my journal the other night while reading through them. I wrote this right after my sweet Pepaw said it. My favorite part is him saying that he didn't get here over night, it was by kindness and loving people. I found it fitting for the blog. 

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