Thursday, July 23, 2015

Uganda: it's hard to process

I will be home a week from today. I am ready, ready because my heart needs to process the 100 places I've seen while being here. I am ready because I'm ready to process tour, process saying bye to all the babies. Ready because I want to tell my momma all of my tour stories and my daddy all of the stories of how men are in this country. I'm ready to see my sisters and tell them about the kids I've held, and tell my Memaw and Pepaw about the landscape and the kids who love every second of life. I'm ready to hold my cat, to watch Netflix, to sleep and to drive my car. 

As I prepare my heart to leave this country I am excited to be home because then I get to raise support to move here. I am ready for that chapter -- no matter what it looks like. I am ready to find my nitch here and run full force until it's taken care of. I'm ready to hug kids everyday and tell them they are important. 

Today we served with Sole Hope and my blog from last year still stands true. Washing those babies feet will change your heart. Here I am a 23 year old, who has missed half of a toenail since I was in the 6th grade, still self concious about it washing feet of kids who don't have shoes. My senior year in high school I was told that I wouldn't be able to wear open toed shoes with confidence to prom and I broke down. In my mind it was the worst day. But, today as I wore opened toed shoes, still with only half of a toenail-- I washed those kids feet, that  were raw on the bottom and jiggers had formed their way between their nailbeds and toenails. I was amazed at how life changes people. How life changed me. Here I am caring more about cleaning between their toes and praying for each foot before they got jiggers pricked from their heels, than how many people looked at my toenail. 

I'm ready to live here to put myself aside daily, to serve until I can't anymore. And to go to bed crying because my body hurts so much. My posture has gotten worse on this trip, my knee has popped out and my feet have gotten dirty. But I'm still ready. Ready for whatever 
it may be. 

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