Saturday, November 10, 2018

Finding Balance

I have been talking about becoming more of a minimalist for quiet sometime now. I think I finally took the plunge. I have one box of journals from over the years, a few dvds that I can't seem to get rid of and a ton of Christmas decorations, but other than that I have things that I use. I have not gone through my craft closet yet. That will come soon enough.

I hate throwing stuff out, I hate it. When I get rid go things its a battle of who I was when I threw the thing in the dump and who I was when I bought the thing years ago. There is never an in-between. Paperwork and cards are HARD. I just put most of my old cards on the burn pile, its not that I dont love them and the sentiment that came with them. Its just simply that I dont read them, I have no reason to. I've read them multiple times. I know who sent them and I know that they love us. Currently, my heart is racing as if I have some attachment to the cards. Like I did something wrong. This is not a right feeling. When I go to Heaven, those cards will not be traveling with me. That is a sentence I have said to myself over and over.

In this new season, I am trying to find BALANCE. In everything, yes, I still spend entirely too much time scrolling my phone and not enough time reading. I bake things before I clean my living room and I lay down to take naps before I do the dishes. I am working toward things. I am trying to find more natural things to put on my body, but have not made the same decision about what I put in my body. I still eat fried foods and sugars, but I am trying natural deodorants. Its a baby step process.

My life looks differently than I imagined years ago. You know that question, "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" It is funny to look back on that now. I never would have imagined being here. EVER. But I am and I do not mind it. I am learning how to say, "no" to somethings and be honest in everything. I am trying to remind myself that things go away, material things go away. I am also trying to remember that friendship change, its just how life works.


This is a different season, I am trying to be kind to people, strangers, friends, and family. Like seriously be kind. I have a friend that calls me out when I fake smile. Its necessary because I do that too often. I am currently trying to teach my mom to not be sorry for her opinion. Sweet Amy, she will share her opinion, knowing that it doesn't line up with yours and then finish the statement with, "I am sorry, thats just my opinion." That is important, don't be sorry for it. Be graceful with your opinion, but not sorry.  I don't want to tell people things I don't mean, I use to be the worst about it.

things I live by.

say what you mean.
clean out your house/car/barn/garage. you will feel better.
love the Lord.
don't bash other peoples beliefs.
don't bash how people parent.
don't judge people.
be kind to people.
don't be sorry for your opinion.
don't be scared to say no.
don't be scared to say yes.
don't hold onto things.
don't be worried about what people think.
bake things.
make things.
light candles.
don't have fake friends.
don't hold grudges.
a new notebook is one of the best feelings.
if someone is copying things you did/do, good. let it be a challenge or compliment.
don't go to bed mad, you will only have nightmares.
support small businesses.
dont fake smile.


I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -Maya Angelou

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