Saturday, February 18, 2017

catch up.

change is hard.
it always has been and i am convinced that it always will be.

over the next couple of months, LOTS is going to change. LOTS.
some of my very best friends will be moving.
I will be moving into a house.
I will be making a very grown up decision.
I will be making more grown up decisions.
And more grown up decisions.
(very vague, but for good reason.)

I am not writing how I usually do - that because I've lost touch with writing. I still write stories about the people I meet and then they never make it to the computer. I always forget them or don't share them with people and then they disappear.

I still love meeting people.
let me clarify, I do not enjoy meeting people - it makes me nervous and clammy, but once that is gone I love it. I love knowing that they are just as nervous as I am most times.

I hate small talk, but love when conversations get deep really quick.
its one of my favorite things.

I quit school, again. not that its some huge deal. I just was unsure of what I was going after and I put it on the back burner for awhile - I will continue to let the thoughts simmer for a bit. but I refuse to beat myself up for not getting a 4 year degree in something that I am not 100% sure if I truly want to do.

I am a full time employee and I really enjoy it.
some days massaging is hard - its draining for my hands, my forearms and sometimes my brain.
I am convinced that I will be the pickle jar opener in my house someday.

for the first time, ever, I take pride in my job. I want clients to come back to see me and  I want to help them - whether that be just to relax or if they have an actual issue that they need worked.

one of my favorite clients is a very harsh older lady. harsh. the first time I met her it took all of my not to stop in the middle of the massage because of her views on politics. she went on and on and on for the entire hour and said things that I wholeheartedly disagree with and I kept my mouth shut. when the massage was over, I laughed while I washed my hands, because I realized that I loved her. she was harsh because she was herself, not caring what others thought. and I realized then that the world needed more people like her. people who have class, but are still not afraid to tell you their opinions not in a rude or disrespectful way. I want true and honest people. people who have different opinions than me, but respect me enough as a human to listen to my opinion as well.

this blog is a small catch up -
its nothing that is a life lesson or a story about someone who changed my life.
*I have tons of those from my clients. hopefully they will make it to the blog soon.*

here is to these next two weeks where I know I will cry my eyeballs out for multiple reasons.
1. moving my best friends.
2. seeing the Lumineers
3. did I mention moving my best friends?
4. teaching my heart that change is a good thing.

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