Monday, February 22, 2016

A letter to Donald Trump-- from a missionaries heart.

I am in no way going to argue, cause any tensions or allow people to degrade one another because of their views on this election.

I am writing this blog because I was told to by Jesus, Sunday morning while we were singing "Your Promises" -- so before I go any further in this blog. Jesus already knows who is winning this election, He knows what is going to happen to America. There is nothing we do or say that will change that. We just have to trust Him and not focus on this false sense of security that America gives us, we have to put our trust in Him. Always.

With all of this being said- This could not be what you want to hear, but Donald Trump scares me, more than anyone else ever has. Granted, I was not alive when Hilter was around, but I imagine them having things in common. The smug things they say, the way they want to get rid of people who do not look and act exactly like them. It is scary.

I move to another country in 2 weeks. This country that I am moving to has a big Muslim community. There are, "calls to prayer,' daily. There are men and women walking around, peacefully and not bothering anyone or anything. However, Isis is a real thing- We all know this. Everyone in the world knows this. I worry daily about children being taken and brainwashed to join Isis, but that doesn't happen often in Uganda. It happens more over here. It happens because of rebellious teenagers who allow their brains to be molded by social media. They join and they become radical muslims- Isis.

Muslims in general are not like that, they are peaceful, they are kind. They smile and they want to learn about life and about people. They have rich culture and the fact that a man who is leading in the polls is shouting to top of his lungs, that he HATES muslims... is the most racial thing I can imagine. Ever.

My child, A child that I had the best relationship with on tour came from a muslim family. I met her family when I visited her last summer. Her mother was peaceful and kind, she smiled and bowed to me as I walked up. She handed me her newborn baby and watched as I talked to Asia. They house had no power, it was tiny and 8 of them lived in there. Happy and loving. I left crying because I knew that her family didn't know Jesus, but they knew how to love. Asia told us a story that day about her mother defending her while she was away. Another child, in attempt to pick at her, made fun of her God. Her mother boldly stepped out and shouted, "You do not mock my daughter and you do not mock her God."

Prayer works.

To think that in a speech that Donald Trump gave last week, about soaking bullets in pigs blood and then killing all the Muslims, and to know that he won South Carolina. I cried again. I cried because of how blind America has become. We listen to this man who shouts things about false security, he shouts racial slurs and he shouts lies only brainwashing the people who follow him.  He has no idea how to lead, and most importantly he has no idea how to love. This country is based on God, and what did we learn in preschool?
Yet, we are blindly letting a hot headed businessman make his way to the top. We are allowing him to say whatever he wants and we are all falling for it.

Before I committed to Uganda, I was scared. I was scared of Isis. I was scared of the attacks and of what could happen. But now that is a faint memory. I am now more scared about Trump sitting in that office. Think of the people that he will attract, of the things he will say and the countries he will try and kill off.

Coming from this missionaries heart, I am begging you to please reconsider electing this man. He is lost, he confused and he will have every single missionary in this world chastised. I should not worry, I have Jesus and that is far more than enough.

We are welcome in other countries, Americans are welcome and treated well in other places. Yet, we are kicking out anyone who was not born here. We are degrading entire races and we are allowing a man to dig us into a hole.
And anyone who says, "we are not welcome in their country, so they should not be welcome here." It shows how much you've traveled.

I am not claiming to have all of the answers. There are plenty of reasons not to vote for other people as well. This is just one of those giant problems that will cause more problems than not. I am not claiming to be a republican or a democrat. I am claiming to be a Christian and his believes and my believes are two completely different things.

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