Thursday, October 23, 2014

finding the good in people

If there is one thing I do not want to do with these posts is offend people. As you have heard me say time and time again, I am human. I have noted on this blog more than enough times that I do fail. My past is something that I touch on often, but it plays a big part in who I am now and who I continue to become each day. With all of this being said-- I am going to touch on two subjects that tend to be ignored often.

Gossip and Judgement
These are two things I have dealt with my entire life. I feel like they are a constant struggle for many people. I use to judge and gossip about people so much. I would judge people for acting differently than I did. As I got older, I realized that the ones who did act differently were the ones who wanted to get out of here and make a difference. This only leading to me judging the ones who didn't. I figured I had grown out of it after graduating, only to start a job where I went right back into the cycle. Except this time it was worse. I was judging and gossiping about everyone-- I needed to know everyones business. I was clueless (still am, really).

It wasn't until I found Jesus, not just on that one trip to Africa, no no it was much later than that. I still struggled with it after that main encounter. It  happened when a friend looked at me in the middle of my rant about someone and said

"wait, will this build this person up or tear this person down?"
"would you say this in front of the person?"

these things use to make me so upset because I never felt like I could vent. I never felt like I could just talk it out. Then I realized awhile later-- that I had a problem. If I felt better after I tore someone else down, I was doing something wrong. I was doing alot of things wrong. I needed to reevaluate. A lot. It had to start with me and with how I perceived a situation with another person. I had to ask myself hard questions. I had to change my prayer. My prayer went from "Jesus, please change this about this person" to "Jesus, let me see them how you see them" -- thats when things get scary.
I didn't think he would do it, but he did. He changed my heart, my view on people, his people.

I've said all of this to get to the idea behind this blog. I just had a very long conversation with a friend about finding the good in people. Okay, so hold on this could be bumpy, but hear me out for just a bit. I teach preschool and I love watching them learn. I love teaching them, but watching them get it is the best part. I watch them while they look up to adults, without any questions asked they trust adults. All you have to do is smile, know their name and ask them to build a house from blocks and you've got them. They love you so quickly and you are now their friend. This is something that I have had the privilege of seeing multiple times. So, I started asking Jesus to allow me to be the same way towards people. To allow me to make friends like the kiddos do.

It took time and practice, honestly. But, I don't really have to search anymore. I just see it. I use to think that the world was a big bunch of messy people (this still remains true) but I have to realize that if Jesus can find the good in me and want to pursue me, why can't I give people the same privilege? I want to see his creation the same way he does. I sometimes imagine him laughing at my attempt to be "nice to a stranger"-- my smile to the homeless man compared to the conversation he would sit down and have with him. I just wanna be more like him- fearless and full of love. He sees the hope we have. I never want to go back to seeing the bad in people before I find the good. He sure doesn't.

guys, there is good in everyone.
sometimes we just have to look a little harder.

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