Monday, September 8, 2014

"And we are all connected to each other, in a circle, in a hoop that never ends."

I decided to watch  Pocahontas last night for the first time since I was 8 years old. At 8, you really don't understand everything that goes on in these Disney movies. You just see the 'Princess' and "Prince Charming" and you wait for the magical kiss at the end of the movie. You do not watch the movie as a child and understand the plot as a whole, you do not pick up on the symbolism. I have the movie on right now, again, because last night as I was watching I learned so much. 

They mention the New World-- freedom, prosperity, the adventure of our lives. This is what John Smith and his crew were going to find and, of course, the gold. They talked about the Indians and how much they tried to overthrow them. Then it goes to Pocahontas, herself. You see her connection with the wind, with Grandmother Willow, her best friends are a raccoon and a hummingbird. Her father, speaks of peace. Within the first 5 minutes of the movie you see the differences in the cultures. We learn that one stands for war and one stands for peace. The scene when John Smith and Pocahontas meet for the first time- they are each on separate rocks staring at one another. In this short 15 second clips, I felt the power in the shot, sure this is just a Disney movie, but I thought about how much that shot shouts. On one end you have Smith, who is raised on rules and fighting to get what he wants. He doesn't much care about the earth as a whole, it seems. Then you have Pocahontas, who grows up knowing peace, who has the spirit of her mother. She has a specific dream that she keeps referring to. Their world are completely different, but they choose to put their past behind them and they fall in love. She then starts singing colors of the wind, I'm not sure that I ever listened to the words of the song, here is just one 

"And we are all connected to each other, in a circle, in a hoop that never ends."

Thats just one line out of the entire song, but that one line speaks so much. Again, I am going to start that sure this is just a Disney movie.

I know that I have recently posted a blog on the unrest overseas and I haven't said much since. I am not big on politics, I am not going to debate which political party is better, its not worth my time. I do not know where every country is located and I for sure couldn't list leaders names. I do not watch the news, ever. I read articles when I realize that a big thing is happening. Its a depressing world we are living in. A very, very broken one. I know and Jesus knows how I operate when it comes to war. I have been a hippie at heart since I was a child. I always want the good guy to win, I always want the kid who is picked on to speak his peace. I want people to do right, who wouldn't? But as I got older I realized just how much people don't really care about the kid who is bullied or about the good guy. They just want what is best for themselves. Yes, I have had these thoughts. I am human. But, since going on my first mission trip I prayed this prayer "Jesus, break my heart for what breaks yours." I think most of us have said that prayer to some extent, but what happens when the prayer we have prayed just as a routine actually happens.

What do we do when God does start breaking our hearts for what breaks his, the answer can vary for each person. He broke my heart, He has been breaking my heart. Every time I get in His presence I see a child running down a street towards me, his clothes are tattered, he is dirty and I see his bright smile-- that one image itself gets me back on track. It reminds me of why I am here. But then there are moments when I begin thinking about the brokeness of this world and I see ISIS, I hear the cries of the people, I sometimes hear their screams and then Jesus tell me in His own way "this is what breaks my heart" and I sometimes weep. Sometimes, I push it in the back of my mind only for it to come back up later that night. For example, today on the way to a meeting about an outreach program, I thought about the people who are losing their lives for their beliefs, I pushed it to the back of my mind and went on about my day. Later that night, I went to a life group and we started worshipping. I went to the back and started writing, I process things through writing. Jesus was giving me so much, so quick that my hand was shaking. I tend not to read what I write until I'm done, but when I started rereading it, it was about ISIS. It was about the broken families, it was about the mothers who are having their children ripped from their hands and murdered in front of them. It was Jesus speaking to me through my own writing. He was telling me to tell people. 

With that being said, I am going to try to say this without stepping on peoples toes. I may do that and I am sorry if I do, but this is what Jesus gave me and it still is hard for me to swallow. We are selfish people. We numb our brains. We give Facebook power over our lives. We allow Instagram to become our own little competition. We literally numb our brains to what is really happening in this world. Most of you reading this know about Noah, you know the story of how he built an ark, placed two of each animal and his family into the boat because there was a flood. We learn about this in preschool, I teach this in preschool. Do we ever stop to think about the bodies that we floating around, God told Noah to keep the door closed until He told him to open it. Could you imagine what would have happened if the door would have stayed open? Could you imagine what Noah and his family would have seen or heard? People drowning, people scratching on the outside of the boat trying to grasp onto something. It broke God's heart to know that He had to flood the Earth, but He says that He had to do it because of the amount of evilness in this world. I don't teach that in preschool, I teach the cute story, of course. But think on how much God's heart truly did hurt watching His children die. 

Now, think about how He feels right now. Think about the pain that He feels? Think about what He is doing. I imagine Him weeping. I imagine Him begging us, the christian body to take a stand. Just as Pochontas said in her song about the wind "And we are all connected to each other, in a circle, in a hoop that never ends." We are all connected. Regardless of the boundaries and borders we have created.  When are we going to take a stand and stop what is happening? I have placed myself in their situation, what would I do if someone busted down my door and asked me if I belived, sure we would all say that right now we would say Jesus-- but we honestly do not know until we are placed in that situation. I want to change my mindset, I want to change my heart. This is life is not mine. This life is not mine. This life is not mine. It was given to me as a gift. I am not here for what I want, I am here for what Jesus wants me to do, whatever the cost. The prize is going home to Him and forever dancing around His throne and praising Him. My heart is breaking at the thought of innoncent people being killed. They needed to be stopped and we need to make our voices known. We need to pray. WE NEED TO PRAY. For this world that is so broken. We can only scroll Facebook so many times. 

I know this post is very bold and I am sorry about anything I said to step on toes. 

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