Friday, December 12, 2014

goodbye for a bit social media

I will be the first to try and say that I enjoy quality time with someone or that I enjoy going on adventures without my phone. I was that person at one point in my life, two years ago, but I am not anymore. It's gotten out of hand. It steals my joy and I can't do it anymore. I don't wake up ready for the day. Instead I wake up, scroll instagram and begin comparing my life to others before I even get out of the bed. I look at people who have taken their pup on a jog first thing in the morning, or the people who have cooked an awesome breakfast for their family, or the smoothies they made for themselves, or the outfit that they modeled perfectly before they wear it out of the house. But, I wake up in my pool house with a cat who takes the entire bed, I eat breakfast on the go, and I put on my make up in the car-- there is not enough time for a picture of my outfit beacuse I hit the snooze four times and I make it to class in just enough time.

Simply put: I am addicted to social media.

While I am not saying that posting pictures of you taking your pup on a jog or cooking a grand breakfast is a bad thing. I am simply saying that personally, I feel like I am in the wrong chapter of my life because I am not doing those things-- when that however, is not true at all. That is a lie straight from the enemy, but to stop him I am going to cut it out for a bit.  He can take a hike. The lies about me not being good enough, because I am not in a relationship, I do not have a kid yet, I am a student and  I still live at home -are simply not true. These things do not make me a chapter behind, instead they make me in the right chapter, for right now. I have things in my life that make me life worth living and not comparing it to others-- I have preschool kiddos, I have my cat, my family, my cute pool house that is about to be decorated like Dollar Tree opened another store in here, my sweet family from the Rescue Mission-who will have a new apartment by Christmas (more coming on that soon). I have great friends who are there, all the time, not just sometimes. I have relationships with awesome people. I have my camera and my blog. This life is a good one and I refuse for the enemy to lie to me via social media. This is why I am taking break until the end of the year. The enemy will not steal my joy this month. This Christmas, I want to enjoy each moment for its true value, I don't want to have to tell people to replay special moments because I didn't get it for my instavideo. I want to live it. 

This month will be one of the best months, one of my best friends is coming home from Texas and one is already home from college. There will be Christmas parties, lights and gifts. Christmas Eve and day will be spent with my family and there will be a special kiddo who gets a Christmas from the outreach program at church this year. These are all special moments, but I want to enjoy them fully.

I will still post blogs and photoshoots. I am also trying to get together a new series for the holidays. If it works out you will see it soon.

Merry Christmas.


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