Monday, October 21, 2013

taking a stand for something good

As I sit at my house eating waffles and looking at Facebook before I have to go to work, my heart is heavy. I look at post that people write about Jesus, I look at post people write about pushing a cause for cancer, I look at people simply just complaining about their life. I want to do something. I want to help.

I see a benefit dinner for an organization I help with a bunch. I look at the page and see that the benefit dinner is beans&rice. My heart stops-- nobody is going to spend $25 dollars to come and eat beans&rice and then I know without a doubt that I would. I would be there with a smile on my face. I can honestly list a handful of people who would gladly eat beans&rice if it meant standing up for something. Who would gladly go. because that is what Jesus told us to, a handful of people who would gladly adopt a child because that means one less orphans. a handful of people who will stand up for something bigger than themselves. Stand up for a cause- for a purpose.

I don't think Jesus put us on this earth to merely fall into the cracks, to giving into society, to be voiceless. Stand up guys! Its time.

Find a cause to stand up for and run with it. Find something that makes you glow and then do lots of that.  & read the book Love Does.

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